SUMMARY Multiple Sun Copy

From: John Ciesla (jcsadmin!
Date: Wed Aug 18 1993 - 10:20:42 CDT

X-Sun-Data-Type: text
X-Sun-Data-Description: text
X-Sun-Data-Name: text
X-Sun-Content-Lines: 73

The Question was:
>We are testing a broadcast package which copies
>a file to multiple Suns from one
>workstation at the same time. Someone from the Managers
>world was successful in accomplishing this using
>rcp. He/She posted it some time ago. Does anyone have the
>Summary on this? If you are the person who did this, could
>you please send me your Summary? I have not been very successful.

>Thank You very Much!

I have been asked by a number of you to forward the full responses
of what I received, so at the risk of using too much band width here goes:

Thanks everyone!

Unless the original poster had his/her own script, you can use
the rdist program that comes with the Sun.

I haven't used it myself but I know it can copy files based on
a Distfile that defines the files and the remote stations as
well as the ownership of the file on the remote node.

Ciao for now,

If you've got the process slots, just start up all your rcp's in the

Personally, I do them serially, but background them anyway, so I can
kill them if a machine is down, without having to wait for the full

Dan Stromberg - OAC-DCS <jvncnet!!strombrg>


If it doesn't need to be exactly simultaneous, why not use rdist
to distribute your files?

Ed Strong
For copying files to multiple sites you might want to take a look
at rdist, especially if you will not always need to copy/update all
of the files (it's sort of like a 'make' for rcp).

jvncnet!!alugcs (Geoff Salinger)
Have you investigated the 'rdist' system that already comes with unix?


Below is an attachment from Nigel Tuckey, which was a real big Help


================================================================================John Ciesla Voice (w/mail): 609-520-5105
Dow Jones & Co., Inc. Fax: 609-520-5089
Engineering Department
P.O. Box 300
Princeton, NJ 08543-0300

X-Sun-Data-Type: mail-file
X-Sun-Data-Description: mail-file
X-Sun-Data-Name: broadcastsun
X-Sun-Encoding-Info: uuencode
X-Sun-Content-Lines: 21

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