SUMMARY: looking for filesystem information gathering programs

From: Kevin Layer (
Date: Thu Dec 09 1993 - 17:11:02 CST

My original question:

    What I have in mind is a program that tells me the following
    information, for a given filesysytem:

    1. how much space hasn't been accessed since a cutoff date, and
    2. what directories have no files in them that have been accessed
       since a cutoff date.

    Are there any (PD, FTPable) programs out there that do this?

A summary of the responses:

        1. use "quot -v <filesystem>" to get the amount of space that
           hasn't been accessed in 30/60/90 days.
        2. write a script that uses gnu find and +atime -printf "%b\t%p\n"
        3. write a script that uses find and +atime

(2) is the most flexible, but I'm going to use (1). Btw, (1) can be
used even if quotas are not turned on, and probably (don't really
know) only works on SunOS.

Kevin Layer, Franz Inc. 1995 University Avenue, Suite 275
layer@Franz.COM (internet) Berkeley, CA 94704 USA
Phone: (510) 548-3600 FAX: (510) 548-8253

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