SUMMARY: Unable to deliver Mail: 554<sun_managers..@..>... Unbalanced '('

From: Claude Charest (charest@CANR.Hydro.Qc.CA)
Date: Sun Jan 23 1994 - 19:52:31 CST

First thanks to:
=============== (Mark Prior) (Glenn Satchell - Uniq Professional Services) (Sean Ward)

The initial request
X Subject: Unable to deliver Mail: 554<sun_managers..@..>... Unbalanced '('
X Bonjour,
X The subject says it all. It happens to me when I enabled the
X "vacation" program for user charest. User charest is the Postmaster. In.named
X (BIND 4.9) was started one or two months before without any problems (so I believed...).
--- cut here ---
X Thanks for your help

The responses:
It's more than likely caused because the person who sent the mail in
the first place has an unbalanced "(" in their personal name field.
 X From: jb@tails.\(\) (\) (Jon Bowman \(ITS\))
 --> In this case, this is the right answer!

You shouldn't really put postmaster on vacation. If there is a mail
problem then you may not know about it for some time. Just change
postmaster to point to some other user(s) in the aliases file. It does
not have to be root and can be an alias.
 --> user charest was the Postmaster.
     Next time I will change the Postmaster from charest to root when I will
     go on vacation, just in case...

Nous avons la meme probleme ici quelque fois avec "poste electronique" entre
le Sun et le Macintosh. Pourriez vous m'envoyer la response quand vous l'avez?
Nous pensons ici que la probleme est avec sendmail, mais nous ne sommes pas
 --> may be the software between mac and sun puts somes '('
     I don't know for sure...

C E N T R E D ' A N A L Y S E N U M E R I Q U E D E R E S E A U X

    _/_/_/_/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/_/ Claude Charest
   _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ V.P. Planification du reseau
  _/ _/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/_/ Hydro-Quebec
 _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ 855 est, Ste-Catherine (20ieme)
_/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ Montreal (Quebec) H2L 4P5
                                            Tel: (514) 840-3669
Email: Fax: (514) 840-4159

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