SUMMARY Tcl/Tk widget borders are invisible

From: Richard Skelton (
Date: Sun Oct 23 1994 - 17:27:50 CDT

Hi Managers,
It seems that I had set some X resources in the file .Xdefaults which are
reserved by "wish" namely:-

*XmMainWindow*Foreground: black
*XmMainWindow*Background: white
With the two lines removed from .Xdefaults I now have a nice coloured background
and visible buttons.

Thanks to <Daniel M Flax>
Who mentioned looking at my properties choices.

My original question was :-
> Hi Sun-Managers,
> I have just installed Tcl/Tk after reading Brent Welch's artical in UnixWorld.
> My problem is after typing in the second listing:-
> #!/usr/local/bin/wish -f
> # Ping example #1
> frame .buttons -borderwidth 10
> wm title . "Richard Test Panel"
> pack .buttons -side top -fill x
> button .buttons.quit -text Quit -command exit
> button -text Ping -command Ping
> pack .buttons.quit -side right
> frame .f;pack .f -side top
> label .f.l -text Host:
> entry -width 20 -relief sunken
> pack .f.l -side left
> text .log -width 61 -height 10 -bd 2 -relief raised
> pack .log -side top
> proc Ping {} {
> set hostname [ get]
> catch {exec ping $hostname} result
> .log insert end $result
> .log insert end \n
> }
> The program runs OK but some of the widget borders are invisible.
> My set up is a Sun 4/40 SunOS 4.1.3 and OpenWindows 3.
> I have read the FAQ's and cant see how to fix this problem.
> I am attaching a uuencoded gif file of the window produced by the above program.

Richard Skelton | e-mail :

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