Summary: Bridging two worlds.

From: Stephen Waelder (
Date: Fri Jan 27 1995 - 16:30:10 CST

Well, this is not going to be much of a summary.

I have received nothing to my questions regarding a Solaris
implementation of the Route Access Protocol, RFC 1476. It seems like
no one in the Sun world uses or has even heard of RAP.

So, My solution was to implement an active RIP on my VAX running
TCPware. Right now, it is a brute force RIP which has the RIP data
and network partners hard coded. Not to flexible or portable but it
works. Since the LAN consists of a single class c and the link to our
Internet access provider is a constant, this will do fine.

I am planning to write an active RIP which complies with RFC 1058,
but that is not a rush item for the time being.

| Stephen Waelder |
| President |
| Kitsune, Route 1, Box 100, Loving, Texas 76460 |
| Voice: 817 378 2590; Fax: 817 378 2593; Email: |

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