SUMMARY: Heirarchial automounts

From: Don Catey (
Date: Fri Jun 21 1996 - 11:25:49 CDT

Many thanks to the following and to those that responded and I haven't
received their mail yet: (Erich Breu) (Don Lewis)
David Lee <>
Kevin Davidson <>
Matthew Stier - Imonics Corporation <>
Ulla Fischer <>

My original question:
>According to Sun's STB on the automounter, you can create
>heirarchial mount points in the as follows:
>/usr/local \
> / -rw server0:/export/local \
> /bin -ro server1:/export/local/sun4 \
> /share -rw server2:/export/local/share
>and so on.
>What I would like to do is the following:
>/usr/local \
> / -rw server:/export/local \
> /bin -rw server:/export/local/bin.$OS
>On server, everything under local is on the same disk. $OS is
>set in the user's environment with the output from uname -r.
>I must have both the /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/bin.$OS on
>my client.
>My question is, has anyone tried doing heirarchial mounts
>from the same server and directory structure? And if so,
>was it successful?
A couple of responses warned away from doing heirarchial mounts because
of problems also noted in Sun's STB. If the server for the heirarchial mount
so go offline for any reason, it could hang the mount on the client since
in order to get to the burried mount, you must first go through another mount.
Your warning is so noted.
A few people out there have been using it with success (though mostly through
indirect mounts) and that was what I was looking for. I don't know what my
final course of action will be, but everyone's help is much appreciated.

Don Catey
Motorola GSTG
Scottsdale, AZ


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