Summary: Help ! boot warning

From: Lee Ben (
Date: Thu Nov 21 1996 - 19:11:44 CST

      My question is :

> when booting ,the machine displays the following messgae on the
> screen :
> Notice: zs3:ring buffer overflow.
> what does it mean ? May i ignore it ?
> I run Solaris 2.4 and Solaris 2.5 on a Sparcstation 20 , a Sparcstation LX ,
> Sparcstation 10 and a Sparcstation Classic .

     Answer is :
 (from Glenn Satchell - Uniq Professional Services

> Yep, zs3 is the mouse serial port. I bet you're moving the mouse
>as the system boots and because the driver hasn't loaded yet it
>can't handle the data stream on the serial port. You can safely
>ignore this message.

     Thanks :
          "Andrew C. Foote" <>
          "Glenn Satchell" <>
          "Rasana Atreya" <>

Lee Ben  Sun Solaris(Sparc) application developer 
E-mail:   Tel: (086)27-7875851-2402
Wuhan Martime Commulication Research Institute Dept 9 
Wuhan  HuBei     P.R.China

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