SUMMARY: custom jumpstart platform recognition question

From: Marc S. Gibian (
Date: Fri Feb 14 1997 - 15:13:43 CST

The original question:

>> I have built a custom jumpstart that works well so long as the disk
>> configuration does not vary for all machines of a particular model. This is
>> currently being done by matching model in the rules file and then running a
>> model specific script to prepare the profile to be used for the given
>> machine.
>> I now need to extend things to be able to work properly for a varying number
>> of disks. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I might recognize and
>> select/setup the proper profile for 1 disk AND 2 disk systems of the same
>> model?

Thanks to the following for their answers: (Jason Noorman)
James M Mosley <> (Manjeet Rekhi) (Ian Camm)

And the solution...

While there is no direct way to match on the number of disks present in a
system, the desired result can be achived by matching on the size of particular
disk devices. So long as one can prioritize the order of prefered
configurations, and there are no conflicts, then this technique works quite
handily. Here is a sample from my new rules file:

# LIVE RULES: select based on disks found and their sizes

# disk sizes are tested from largest to smallest
# use 4000-9999 to capture >4 gig disks
# use 2000-4000 to capture 2.1 gig disks
# use 1000-2000 to capture 1.05 gig disks

# all two disk rules first

# target 0 system about 4 gig, target 1 secondary about 4 gig

disksize c0t0d0 4000-9999 && \
disksize c0t1d0 4000-9999 use_t0_4_t1_4 = finish

# target 3 system about 4 gig, target 1 secondary about 4 gig

disksize c0t3d0 4000-9999 && \
disksize c0t1d0 4000-9999 use_t3_4_t1_4 = finish

# target 0 system about 4 gig, target 5 secondary about 4 gig

disksize c0t0d0 4000-9999 && \
disksize c0t5d0 4000-9999 use_t0_4_t5_4 = finish

# target 0 system about 4 gig, target 1 secondary about 2.1 gig

disksize c0t0d0 4000-9999 && \
disksize c0t1d0 2000-4000 use_t0_4_t1_2 = finish

# target 3 system about 4 gig, target 1 secondary about 2.1 gig

disksize c0t3d0 4000-9999 && \
disksize c0t1d0 2000-4000 use_t3_4_t1_2 = finish

# target 0 system about 4 gig, target 5 secondary about 2.1 gig

disksize c0t0d0 4000-9999 && \
disksize c0t5d0 2000-4000 use_t0_4_t5_2 = finish

------ cut repetitive lines out --------

# target 0 system 4 gig or more

disksize c0t0d0 4000-9999 use_t0_4 = finish

# target 3 system 4 gig or more

disksize c0t3d0 4000-9999 use_t3_4 = finish


So, my customer's product can now properly install on a range of 28
configurations, with a simple way to expand the supported configuration as
needed. The only down side to all this is the need for 28 individual begin
scripts, but if you take a little care you can make it pretty cut-and-paste.

Now if only adding support for new Solaris versions were as simple... (I've
extended our support from just 2.5 to both 2.5 and 2.5.1 and can't wait ;-) for
2.6 to get released).


Marc S. Gibian
Telos Consulting Services phone: (617) 377-6350
PRISM/TFS email:

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