SUMMARY: gcc and Solaris 2.5.1

From: Greg T. Harber (
Date: Fri Jun 20 1997 - 16:33:10 CDT

SUMMARY: gcc and Solaris 2.5.1

After many responses from the SM list and a rereading of several FAQs,
I found my major problem was moving the precompiled gcc out of the
/opt tree. It's hard coded internally to look back at /opt for its
headers. Here's what worked for me:

  1. Get precompiled binary of gcc in package format
     (I got mine (2.7.2) from a sunsite mirror - /opt/packagename will differ)
  2. Install package using pkgadd. Mine went to /opt/FSFgcc
  3. Add /opt/FSFgcc/bin to your search path (see my enviroment below)
  4. Ungzip/tar the GCC package to a place of your choosing.
  5. CD to gcc-
  6. Copy fixinc.svr4 to /opt/FSFgcc/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.5/2.7.2
  7. Edit just-fixinc so that
      installed = /opt/FSFgcc/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.5/2.7.2
  8. Run just-fixinc
  9. $ CC=gcc ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
 10. $ make CC=gcc LANGUAGES=c
 11. Continue following the INSTALL directions to build other compilers
 12. Pkgrm FSFgcc
 13. Remove /opt/FSFgcc from PATH

Important environmentals:


NOTES: I tried to integrate f77 into the gcc tree but caught a signal 11
        error near the end of the stage1 compile. I removed f77 and had
        no further problems. Any ideas why f77 caused a failure?

Thanks to the many responses. There are too many to thank individually!

Greg T. Harber              
Director, McGee Computing Laboratory  409 468-2508
Department of Computer Science        P.O. Box 13063
Stephen F. Austin State University    Nacogdoches, TX 75962 USA

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