SUMMARY: mystery printing problem

Date: Thu Jul 03 1997 - 18:21:27 CDT

Hi Guru,

My original question:
> I can always print files from system A (SunOS Release 4.1.4.) to its
> attached line printer. (it is actually a IC tester with a Sparc system
> in it, and Of course, I am using /etc/printcap).
> Before, I can print files to this line printer from system B but not anymore.
> The printcap of system B is as following:
> lp|lw|system a line printer:\
> :lp:\
> :rm=systema:\
> :rp=lp:\
> :sh:sf:\
> :sd=/var/spool/systemalpd:\
> :lf=/var/adm/systemalpd-log
> The system B is a SunOS Release 4.03e system.
> When I tried to print to the line printer from System B, it gave error:
> : Your host does not have line printer access
> System B: waiting for queue to be enabled on System A
> I re-edit the printcap thinking that it may have some hidden escape character
> but no luck. I even copy /usr/lib/lpd from the other system but it doesn't
> help either. I tried the same thing from System B to print to the other
> attached printer of the other system C, and I also get the same result!
> I spent hours trying to figure out but just cannot get the solution ( I also
> use lpc command, delete the lock file, ....).

Thanks to Mariel Feder, Michael Sullivan, Jens Fischer, Andre Lachapelle,
Benjamin Cline, and Brion Leary email to my question. All pointed out the
right direction.

The solution is in the file /etc/hosts.equiv or /etc/hosts.lpd. The name
of the System B is already in the /etc/hosts.equiv of system A but the problem
is the domain name has been changed. The bottom line is the file
name in the /etc/hosts.equiv must be excatly the same as the second column
of the /etc/hosts file.


Lincoln Chang
System Administrator
Philips Semiconductors

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