REMINDER: NO DISCUSSIONS (was Re: [SUMMARY]: [Opinion] What's happening to this list??)

From: John DiMarco (
Date: Tue Oct 12 1999 - 12:23:25 CDT

>From the Sun Manager's charter:


  5: Discussions on ANY topic are not allowed and will not be tolerated.
      If you want to discuss something, take it to the appropriate
      Sun newsgroup.

Note that "ANY topic" means _any_ topic, including the topic of Sun-Managers
itself. In general, if you want to reply to a person's posting, reply
to that person by private email. Do not reply to the list. Do not CC
the list in your reply.



John DiMarco <>                         Office: SF2101
CSLab Systems Manager                                     Phone: 416-978-5300
University of Toronto                                     Fax:   416-978-1931

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