PARTIAL SUMMARY: Changing stacksize (and other limits) in Solaris ...

From: Bryan Smith (
Date: Thu Dec 23 1999 - 10:39:08 CST

PARTIAL SUMMARY: Changing stacksize (and other limits) in Solaris ...

First off, to change some of the "hard limits," you must first change them as
root and then su as the user to be affected. Otherwise, it looks like either a
kernel recompile, possibly some boot options are required to change the hard
limits for everyone. I'm sure there is more to this than I have taken the time
to research, but ...

Secondly, I was getting an "out of memory error." Hence the problem was not
the stacksize, but more like memory/swap/tmp issues. We have solved the issues
with our program by partitioning and threading the memory usage and routines.

Thanx to all those who responded:
   Mike Penny and Kevin Sheehan

Bryan J. Smith, System Administrator, (407)541-3677
** I am solely and personally responsible for all **
statements above unless specifically noted otherwise

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